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A EDT é uma empresa de consultoria estratégica baseada na experiência de seus consultores em tecnologia e negócios voltados para o setor de Defesa e Segurança  e que adota as melhores práticas para empresas globais, oferecendo transformação digital, incluindo automação de processos robóticos, implementação de aplicativos em nuvem corporativa, inserção de mercado e desenvolvimento de parcerias estratégicas.

Os serviços incluem transformação de negócios, análise corporativa, gerenciamento de capital de giro e serviços de negócios globais.

A EDT também fornece experiência dedicada em estratégia de negócios, operações, finanças, gerenciamento de capital humano, outsourcing estratégico, compras e tecnologia da informação, incluindo BPMS, RAP, ERP e emprego de Inteligência Artificial.

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Antonio Luiz da Costa Burgos

General of the Brazilian Army (Ret.)

Living in São Paulo, SP, Brazil,

Specialized in Armoured Vehicles.


  • EDT – Strategic Business Advisor


  • Doctor in Political Science and Strategy by the Staff College of the Brazilian Army.


  • Chief of the Brazilian Group of UN Peacekeeper Mission in Central America (ONUCA and ONUSAL) (1991-1992).

  • Chief of the Brazilian Army representation in the Brazilian Congress (1996-1999).

  • Chief of the Brazilian Army Commission at Washington, DC, USA, (1999-2001).

  • Military Attaché in USA (Deputy) (1999-2001).


  • Director of the Department of Defense Industries at FIESP - SP (2007-).

  • VP of the Brazilian Association of Defense Industries (ABIMDE) - SP (2019-).

  • VP of the Brazilian Association of explosive industries (ABIMEX) - SP (2017-)

  • Teacher of Strategy Planning in FAAP University (Sao Paulo - SP) (2007-2014).


  • Former Director of BAE Systems in Brazil (2007-2012).

  • Former Director of Synergy Defense and Security (Avianca Group) (2012-2014).

  • Director of RUAG AMMOTEC Brazil (2015-)



- Cel phone – 55 11 97626 0822

- Email –

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Neil de Castro Roswell

Brazilian, married,






  • EPUSP - Polytechnic School, USP (Department of Naval Engineering)

Graduated in Naval Engineering - Machinery, 1972



  • EPUSP - Polytechnic School, USP (Department of Production Engineering)

   Master in Production Engineering - Quality and Productivity (no thesis), 1995

  • FGV - Getúlio Vargas Foundation - Business Administration - Foreign Trade for Executives, 1980

  • FCECAUM - Faculty of Economic, Accounting and Administrative Sciences, U. Mackenzie

   Business Administration, 1979

  • FEFTESM - Faculty of Engineering - Souza Marques Technical-Educational Foundation

   Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering, 1975

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Auro Leomil de Azeredo

Brazilian, married,

(+55 11) 9965-6391



  • EDT - CEO

  • ABIMDE - Brazilian Association of Defense Companies (pro-bonus)

  • CONDEFENSA - FIESP Defense Commission (pro-bonus)



  • Business Administrator, graduated in 1981 from FAAP - Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation.

  • MBA in International Business at Fundação Dom Cabral - 2006


  • CGERD - Defense War Management School of ESG - 2012

  • Introduction to semiconductor engineering and production processes (Fraunhofer Institute - Dresden Germany) - 2005

  • Electronic Training Training - (AICC - Florida - USA) - 1999

  • Strategic Security Systems Management (ISS - Atlanta - USA) - 1995

  • Process Automation in CPD (Beta Systems - Berlin - Germany) - 1994

  • Office Automation (Verimation - Gotemburg - Sweden) - 1992

  • EDI - Electronic Data Exchange - Technologies and Applications (Volkswagen AG - Germany) - 1989

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